JohnButts@JBMedia - Reports:
Much has been said about the gentrification in Washington D.C., with an influx of whites moving back into the city for work, but you

A report by the Washington Lawyers Committee found that the overwhelming majority of the people arrested in the city are African-American.
According to the report, 83 percent of the people arrested between 2009 and 2011 were African-American while only 14 percent were white, even though African-American adults make up less than half of Washington D.C.’s population.
Based on the report, 69 percent of traffic arrests in D.C. were of African Americans, 91 percent of drug arrests were of African Americans, and 76 percent of disorderly conduct arrests were of African Americans. In fact, blacks were arrested at higher rates in just about every category.
D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier issued a statement about the report’s findings:
Many in D.C. protested the racial disparity at City Hall on Wednesday.“Comparison of racial proportions alone is not sufficient for examining this important issue. We are not aware of any agreement among community members, criminal justice professionals, or academics that says that arrest rates should match the racial proportion of residents of a city.“
“Some things that occur are attenuated with poverty,” District Council member Tommy Wells told News4 in D.C. ”We don’t have a large poor white population but with traffic crimes, there should be no difference between black and white.”
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