Snowden in Limbo as Options for Refuge Narrow -
John Butts@JBMedia - Reports:
As Edward Snowden entered his second week of limbo in Moscow's airport on Sunday, his decision to go to Russia is looking riskier than it first appeared, and may have left him in a worse situation than if he had stayed in Hong Kong.
Even with his next move uncertain, the former National Security Agency contractor caused fresh uproar over the weekend. On Sunday, German weekly Der Spiegel, citing information from Mr. Snowden, reported that the U.S. had placed listening devices in a European Union office in Washington, infiltrated its computers and carried out cyberattacks against EU bodies. The report prompted strong criticism from several European governments.
Mr. Snowden had hoped for asylum in Ecuador, but that seems less likely now. President Rafael Correa on Sunday retreated further from his country's early support of Mr. Snowden, telling the Associated Press it was up to Russian authorities to decide whether Mr. Snowden could travel to the Ecuadorean embassy in Moscow to seek asylum.
A Blog That Informs The African American Community On News And Current Events That Effect Their Daily Lives...
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Multicultural Books for Children: Right Now, It’s a White, White World
Multicultural Books for Children: Right Now, It’s a White, White World
The heroine of Valynne Maetani’s young adult mystery novel Remnants of the Rising Sun is a sheltered Utah native whose life is turned upside down when she discovers her deceased father was a member of the mafia. It’s an unusual tale made more unique because the novel’s central character is Japanese-American, and the mafia chasing after her is the Yakuza.
The heroine of Valynne Maetani’s young adult mystery novel Remnants of the Rising Sun is a sheltered Utah native whose life is turned upside down when she discovers her deceased father was a member of the mafia. It’s an unusual tale made more unique because the novel’s central character is Japanese-American, and the mafia chasing after her is the Yakuza.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Opinion: Paula Deen's words echo South's racist past -
Opinion: Paula Deen's words echo South's racist past -
Deen, a televangelist of butter, let slip in a court deposition that she had used a degrading racial term to describe African-Americans. Imagine the surprise of almost no one in Dixie. Deen came of age in a country that was just beginning to institute the equality it had been bragging about for almost two centuries. If her childhood was like most Southern baby boomers, she was raised on the lexicon of discrimination, and probably used it.
Deen, a televangelist of butter, let slip in a court deposition that she had used a degrading racial term to describe African-Americans. Imagine the surprise of almost no one in Dixie. Deen came of age in a country that was just beginning to institute the equality it had been bragging about for almost two centuries. If her childhood was like most Southern baby boomers, she was raised on the lexicon of discrimination, and probably used it.
Trayvon Martin Alicia Stanley: Trayvon’s Stepmother Speaks Out | Breaking News for Black America
Trayvon Martin Alicia Stanley: Trayvon’s Stepmother Speaks Out | Breaking News for Black America
In an emotional interview with Anderson Cooper, Trayvon Martin‘s stepmother, Alicia Stanley, opened up about her inconsolable grief at the loss of a boy she helped to raise for 14 years, Zimmerman’s guilt, Trayvon’s character and being ignored by Trayvon’s father, Tracey Martin.
Her voice shaking with pain and tears in her eyes, Stanley explained that she had helped raise Trayvon since he was 3-years-old, and that he was at her home with his father and her daughters “90 percent” of the time.
In an emotional interview with Anderson Cooper, Trayvon Martin‘s stepmother, Alicia Stanley, opened up about her inconsolable grief at the loss of a boy she helped to raise for 14 years, Zimmerman’s guilt, Trayvon’s character and being ignored by Trayvon’s father, Tracey Martin.
Her voice shaking with pain and tears in her eyes, Stanley explained that she had helped raise Trayvon since he was 3-years-old, and that he was at her home with his father and her daughters “90 percent” of the time.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
States fight discrimination toward gay foster kids - Yahoo! News
States fight discrimination toward gay foster kids - Yahoo! News
John Butts@JBMedia - Reports:
John Butts@JBMedia - Reports:
MIAMI (AP) — Sixto Cancel says his ultra-religious foster family frequently talked about their disdain for his homosexuality at the dinner table, trashed his room and called him homophobic slurs. While he was still a teenager, he says, they kicked him out of their Connecticut home after he had lived there for nearly a decade.
"I've had foster homes who completely said you can't live here if you're gay," said Cancel, a 21-year-old student at Virginia Commonwealth University who bounced between half a dozen foster homes while in care. "For a long time I had that self-hatred and uncomfortableness with who I am."
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Former Miss America Called 'Street Walker' by Local GOP Leader | ABC News Blogs - Yahoo!
Former Miss America Called 'Street Walker' by Local GOP Leader | ABC News Blogs - Yahoo!
John Butts@JBMedia:
A former Miss America winner who is now a GOP candidate for Congress was called a string of profane names today, including "street walker," "love child" and "Miss Queen. " Her attacker? A local Republican Party chairman in central Illinois.
Erika Harold, the 2003 winner of the Miss America contest, announced two weeks ago that she was running from Illinois' 13th District. Her decision to challenge Rep. Rodney Davis in the Republican primary has divided some local party members and prompted the name-calling. A full account of the episode first appeared in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
John Butts@JBMedia:
A former Miss America winner who is now a GOP candidate for Congress was called a string of profane names today, including "street walker," "love child" and "Miss Queen. " Her attacker? A local Republican Party chairman in central Illinois.
Erika Harold, the 2003 winner of the Miss America contest, announced two weeks ago that she was running from Illinois' 13th District. Her decision to challenge Rep. Rodney Davis in the Republican primary has divided some local party members and prompted the name-calling. A full account of the episode first appeared in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
[UPDATE] Six women to hear case in death of FL teen Trayvon Martin -
[UPDATE] Six women to hear case in death of FL teen Trayvon Martin -
John Butts@JBMedia - Reports:
SANFORD, Fla., June 20 (UPI) -- A six-member, all-female jury selected Thursday will decide whether George Zimmerman's killing of Florida teen Trayvon Martin was murder or self defense.
The jurors were identified in court only by number on the ninth day of jury selection, NBC News reported.
The jurors and four alternates will be sequestered during the trial, expected to last two to four weeks
Read more:
John Butts@JBMedia - Reports:
SANFORD, Fla., June 20 (UPI) -- A six-member, all-female jury selected Thursday will decide whether George Zimmerman's killing of Florida teen Trayvon Martin was murder or self defense.
The jurors were identified in court only by number on the ninth day of jury selection, NBC News reported.
The jurors and four alternates will be sequestered during the trial, expected to last two to four weeks
Read more:
Cradle to Prison Pipeline - Baltimore City Jail - YouTube
Cradle to Prison Pipeline - Baltimore City Jail - YouTube
John Butts@JBMedia:
Cradle To Prison Pipeline Exposed By Baltimore, MD. Community Activst Duane 'Shorty' Davis, Of Shorty's Underground News Network...Shorty Says, 'More Education & Less Incarceration'... '&autoplay=1'
John Butts@JBMedia:
Cradle To Prison Pipeline Exposed By Baltimore, MD. Community Activst Duane 'Shorty' Davis, Of Shorty's Underground News Network...Shorty Says, 'More Education & Less Incarceration'... '&autoplay=1'
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Feds unravel plot to build, sell x-ray weapon in Upstate New York — RT USA
Feds unravel plot to build, sell x-ray weapon in Upstate New York — RT USA
John Butts@JBMedia:
An FBI investigation has uncovered a plot by a New York state engineer with ties to the Ku Klux Klan to construct a radiation particle weapon, with the intention to sell the device to either a southern branch of the KKK or Jewish groups.
Federal investigators first began to investigate Glendon Scott Crawford, 49, when he allegedly approached an Albany-area synagogue and “asked to speak with a person who might be willing to help him with a type of technology that could be used by Israel to defeat its enemies, specifically, by killing Israel's enemies while they slept."
Crawford, an industrial mechanic with General Electric Co., evidently sought to assemble a radiation-emitting device “that could be placed in the back of a van to covertly emit ionizing radiation strong enough to bring about radiation sickness or death against Crawford's enemies," according to a complaint put together by an FBI agent on the case.
John Butts@JBMedia:
An FBI investigation has uncovered a plot by a New York state engineer with ties to the Ku Klux Klan to construct a radiation particle weapon, with the intention to sell the device to either a southern branch of the KKK or Jewish groups.
Federal investigators first began to investigate Glendon Scott Crawford, 49, when he allegedly approached an Albany-area synagogue and “asked to speak with a person who might be willing to help him with a type of technology that could be used by Israel to defeat its enemies, specifically, by killing Israel's enemies while they slept."
Crawford, an industrial mechanic with General Electric Co., evidently sought to assemble a radiation-emitting device “that could be placed in the back of a van to covertly emit ionizing radiation strong enough to bring about radiation sickness or death against Crawford's enemies," according to a complaint put together by an FBI agent on the case.
The Problem With 'the Black Whatever': Are We Not Satisfied With Ourselves?
The Problem With 'the Black Whatever': Are We Not Satisfied With Ourselves?
John Butts@JBMedia:
A couple of weeks ago, I came across a story about Joyce Bryant, a curvaceous entertainer in the 1950s and 60s who was known as “the Black Marilyn Monroe.” I researched her further, and Bryant was beautiful and talented in her own right, oozing sex appeal and class simultaneously, but instead she was compared to the Blond Bombshell ...
I thought about how many times I've heard someone or something referred to as "the black whatever" and why that is. Understandably, for so long, we've only had whites to look to as the standard of beauty, intellect and talent. We looked to those figures when our heroes were few, far and in between. Honestly, even when there were counterparts of African descent who were comparable or even better -- Lena Horne or Jackie Robinson -- the Frank Sinatras and Marilyn Monroes were still the mold.
John Butts@JBMedia:
A couple of weeks ago, I came across a story about Joyce Bryant, a curvaceous entertainer in the 1950s and 60s who was known as “the Black Marilyn Monroe.” I researched her further, and Bryant was beautiful and talented in her own right, oozing sex appeal and class simultaneously, but instead she was compared to the Blond Bombshell ...
I thought about how many times I've heard someone or something referred to as "the black whatever" and why that is. Understandably, for so long, we've only had whites to look to as the standard of beauty, intellect and talent. We looked to those figures when our heroes were few, far and in between. Honestly, even when there were counterparts of African descent who were comparable or even better -- Lena Horne or Jackie Robinson -- the Frank Sinatras and Marilyn Monroes were still the mold.
Study uncovers anti-black attitudes among tea party supporters — but not members | The Raw Story
Study uncovers anti-black attitudes among tea party supporters — but not members | The Raw Story
John Butts@JBMedia:
Since its inception back in 2010, critics of the tea party have claimed the conservative movement was motivated wholly or in part by racial animus towards President Barack Obama. Former NAACP chairman Julian Bond, for instance, recently described the tea party as an “admittedly racist” movement “who’ve tried as best they can to harm President Obama in every way they can.”
New research published online in Race and Social Problems suggests the racial politics surrounding the tea party movement are highly nuanced. The researchers found no difference between the racial attitudes of the general white population and self-identified tea party members. Those who had a favorable view of the tea party, on the other hand, were in fact more likely to admit to holding anti-black sentiments.
John Butts@JBMedia:
Since its inception back in 2010, critics of the tea party have claimed the conservative movement was motivated wholly or in part by racial animus towards President Barack Obama. Former NAACP chairman Julian Bond, for instance, recently described the tea party as an “admittedly racist” movement “who’ve tried as best they can to harm President Obama in every way they can.”
New research published online in Race and Social Problems suggests the racial politics surrounding the tea party movement are highly nuanced. The researchers found no difference between the racial attitudes of the general white population and self-identified tea party members. Those who had a favorable view of the tea party, on the other hand, were in fact more likely to admit to holding anti-black sentiments.
Pastor to Churchgoers: God Will Give You a New Car If You Donate to Fix My Helicopter | Your Black World
John Butts@JBMedia:
A Texas preacher is in hot water for sending a plea for parishioners to help him pay to have his helicopter repaired. In exchange for the

“Do you have a dream vehicle or luxury automobile you long to purchase?” New Light Church Bishop Ira V. Hilliard asks in a fundraising letter to churchgoers. Then Hilliard goes on to tell parishioners how God’s favor could bring them that new car if they donate to fix his chopper.
“We have an urgent transportation need that the Lord said can be an opportunity for you to see His favor and His wisdom released to help you,” he continues. “Scripture teaches when you give to a Kingdom need God will raise up someone to use their power, their ability and their influence to help you.”
Pastor to Churchgoers: God Will Give You a New Car If You Donate to Fix My Helicopter | Your Black World
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Dallas 911 operator: Black domestic violence victims are ‘like animals’ | The Raw Story
Dallas 911 operator: Black domestic violence victims are ‘like animals’ | The Raw Story
John Butts@JBMedia:
"A Dallas 911 Opertor Was Fired After Reportedly Posting Racist Messages On Facebook About African American Domestic Violence Victims And Other Residence That She Was Supposed To Be Helping To Protect."
John Butts@JBMedia:
"A Dallas 911 Opertor Was Fired After Reportedly Posting Racist Messages On Facebook About African American Domestic Violence Victims And Other Residence That She Was Supposed To Be Helping To Protect."
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Mo Cowan endorses Booker run - Byron Tau -
Mo Cowan endorses Booker run - Byron Tau -
"Sen. Mo Gowan (D-Mass) - Weeks Away From Leaving The Senate - Hope That There Will Soon Be Another African American In The Chamber.
And He Suspects It Will Be Newark Mayor Cory Booker."
"Sen. Mo Gowan (D-Mass) - Weeks Away From Leaving The Senate - Hope That There Will Soon Be Another African American In The Chamber.
And He Suspects It Will Be Newark Mayor Cory Booker."
Monday, June 3, 2013
Debra Simmons National Action Network : NAN Vice-President Tasered At Miss. Civil Rights Rally | WOLB Talk 1010
Debra Simmons National Action Network : NAN Vice-President Tasered At Miss. Civil Rights Rally | WOLB Talk 1010
John Butts@JBMedia:
"Debra Simmons, Vice President Of The Mississippi Chapter Of The National Action Network (NAN), The Civil Rights Organization Founded By Rev. Al Sharpton, Was Violently Pushed To The Ground, Held Down And Tazed At A Civil Rights Rally In Natchez, Mississippi By Deputies Of The Adams County Sheriff's Department."
John Butts@JBMedia:
"Debra Simmons, Vice President Of The Mississippi Chapter Of The National Action Network (NAN), The Civil Rights Organization Founded By Rev. Al Sharpton, Was Violently Pushed To The Ground, Held Down And Tazed At A Civil Rights Rally In Natchez, Mississippi By Deputies Of The Adams County Sheriff's Department."
Saturday, June 1, 2013
BREAKING: Illinois House Adjourns Without Passing Marriage Equality
BREAKING: Illinois House Adjourns Without Passing Marriage Equality
John Butts@JBMedia:
"The Illinois House Of Representatives Adjourns Friday Without Voting On Marriage Equality. The Senate Passed It's Version Of The Bill Back On Valentine's Day, And Gov. Pat Quinn (D) Had Promised To Sign It Into Law."
John Butts@JBMedia:
"The Illinois House Of Representatives Adjourns Friday Without Voting On Marriage Equality. The Senate Passed It's Version Of The Bill Back On Valentine's Day, And Gov. Pat Quinn (D) Had Promised To Sign It Into Law."
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